Origin- Kamuli District and married to Eng. Cuthbert Isingoma. We have five (5) biological children, two (2) adopted and two (2) grandchildren.
A senior lecturer in the accounting department – Faculty of commerce.
Joined MUBS in October 2004 and now a senior lecturer since March 1, 2021.
1. Ph.D. (Business Administration)
2. MSc. Accounting & Finance
3. B. Com (Accounting option)
4. Dip (Business Education)
Having a God fearing family, and in unity
My research interests include: Corporate governance & performance of financial institutions
Wakaisuka-Isingoma, J., Mutebi, H., Ssendangire, D., Namanya, D., Asinduru, N.S., & Bakole, B. (2024). The mediating role of loan portfolio management: The case of village savings and loans associations’ performance. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People & Places in the Global economy – has been successfully submitted online and is presently being given full consideration for publication.
Mayanja, S., Nabisaalu, J. K., Wakaisuka- Isingoma, J., & Mutebi, H. (2023). Entrepreneurial networking and sustainability performance: The mediating role of self-organization and entrepreneurial learning behaviors in women-owned micro-enterprises. International Small Business Journal ISB-22-0254 – has been successfully submitted online and is presently being given full consideration for publication.
David Namanya, Juliet Wakaisuka- Isingoma & Johnson Atwiine. (2021). The influence of gender diversity and company financial performance in East Africa. African Journal of Business Management, 15(5), 152-164.
Wakaisuka – Isingoma. J, Ibanda, C. K., Naluwooza, R., & Namaganda, C. (2020). Smart Electronics, firm Characteristics and Efficient Energy Utilization: A Case of Public Universities in Uganda. International Journal of Social Economics, 47 (8), 1023 – 1041.
Wakaisuka, I. J & Nkundabanyanga, K. S. (2019), Corporate governance in Uganda, in Okike, E (Ed) Corporate Governance in Common wealth countries, International Centre for Research in Accountability and Governance, United Kingdom, pp. 313 – 336.
Wakaisuka-Isingoma, J. (2018). Corporate governance and performance of financial institutions. Corporate Ownership & Control, 16(1-1), 203-216.
Kyazze, L. M., Nkote, I. N, & Wakaisuka – Isingoma, J. (2017). Cooperative governance and social performance of cooperative societies. Cogent Business & Management 4, 1-14.
Wakaisuka, J., Aduda, J., Wainaina, G., & Iraya, C. M. (2016). Corporate Governance, Firm Characteristics, External Environment and Firm Performance of Financial Institutions in Uganda- A Review of Literature: Cogent Business and Management, 3 (1), 1 -14.
Financial Accounting (Principles of Accounting) and Cost & Management Accounting
Board member – Value Addition Micro-finance
Member of Mothers’ Union St. Luke Church- Ntinda
Visited different community outreaches through mothers’ union St. Luke Church Ntinda, including; Luzira prison, vulnerable women in Kireka, topping up school fees for the University students in our church zone (cell) of St. Luke Church -Ntinda